1. Business Registration Certificates 营业执照
2. Factory regulati***, including the policies on working-hour system, overtime compensation and other legal benefits 厂规或员工手册-包括对工作时间、加班补贴、法定福利之制度
3. Factory’s disciplinary procedures 惩罚制度
4. Labor contract (individual) 全体员工之劳动合同(个人)
5. Employment Registration Reco*** 全体员工之入职记录(包括:***副本)
6. Official notice on Local Minimum Wage 当地部门所发之***低工资通告
7. Approval on Comprehensive Calculation of Working Hours System (if applicable) or Overtime Waiver 综合计时工作制之批准文件或延长加班申请
8. Payment evidence for participation of social insurance schemes 社会***之缴费收据
9. Official testimonials on coverage of social insurance schemes 当地社会***局证明文件
10. Fire drill reco*** 消防演习记录
11. Fire Prevention Certification 消防验收合格证
12. MSDS for hazardous substances / chemicals ***物料安全资料卡
13. Work Permits for special & dangerous operati*** 特种作业之***:电工作业、锅炉司炉、压力容器操作、起重机械作业、***作业、金属焊接与气割作业、煤矿井下***检验、机动车辆驾驶、机动船舶驾驶与轮机操作、建筑登高架设作业
14. Sanitation Permit for the canteen in factory 饭堂卫生证
15. Health examination reco*** of canteen workers 食堂员工之健康检查证明
16. Health examination reco*** of juvenile workers (aged 16-18) 未成年工之健康检查证明
17. Payroll reco*** of previous 12 months 12个月内之工资记录
18. Attendance reco*** of previous 12 months 12个月内之工作时间记录