作者:2014/8/22 6:39:45

 President Barack Obama has endorsed a young girl's suggestion to feature a woman on printed US currency. But what does it take to get a new face on a $5, or even $50 bill, asks Debbie Siegelbaum.

    美国***奥巴马采纳了一个小女孩的建议,决定将一位女性的头像印到美元上。黛比·西格尔伯姆(Debbie Siegelbaum)问道:将一个全新的面孔印到5元或50元的***上需要什么条件。
    Betsy Ross, Amelia Earhart, and Rosa Parks could all be contenders for appearing on US currency.
    贝琪·罗斯(Betsy Ross)、阿梅莉亚·玛丽·埃尔哈特(Amelia Earhart)、罗莎·帕克斯(Rosa Parks)都是出现在美元上的候选人。
    First, it helps to be a titan of American history, like former presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson, or founding fathers Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton.
    The current Secretary of the Treasury is resp***ible for selecting the lucky few featured on US bills, and though the bills h***e been frequently redesigned for security purposes, the famous faces on them h***e remained the same since 1929.
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