SYNCHROFLEX聚氨酯同步带加红胶 加红胶特点
作者:沛显传动2018/10/31 0:56:06

SynchroflexAdd red glue features:
In order to reduce the friction coefficient of 1. Gabriel
2. plus PVC to improve corrosion resistance
3., add rubber, improve friction coefficient and heat resistance
4., PU synchronization plus a variety of baffle, block, in order to meet your equipment, product requirements for customized
Classification according to the tooth shape:
A: square teeth (MXL\\XL\\L\\H\\XH\\XXH\\SL\\ modulus band -1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5)
B:T - type teeth T2.5\\T5\\AT5\\T10\\AT10\\T20\\AT20)
C: arc tooth HTD (2M\\3M\\5M\\8M\\14M\\20M)
GT-? (2MR\\3MR\\5MR\\8MR/14MR)
GT- II (1.5GT\\2GT\\3GT\\5GT\\8YU\\8MGT\\14MGT)
D: semicircle arc toothed synchronous belt STPD/STS (S3M\\S4.5M\\S5M\\S8M\\S14M)
E: toothed peak depression type synchronous belt RPP (P3M\\P5M\\P8M\\P14M)
F: other (strong Li, POLYCHAIN-8MGT/14MGT synchronous belt, herringbone synchronous belt)
Special driving belt: belt surface with green cloth, red glue, green glue, PU glue, foam and block;
SynchroflexPU sync belt with red tape
Good wear resistance, oil and grease resistance, high positioning / repeatability, high tran***ission, open or ring interface to meet the needs of users of any length, extremely suitable for conveying and positioning


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