Problem 1: The thickness of the cabinet plate The thickness of the cabinet cabinet plate is generally 16 mm, 18 mm, etc. Generally, the 18 mm thick plate of the same material material will be about 7% higher than the cost of 16 mm thick, but the cabinet is used. The life can be more than doubled, which can effectively prevent deformation of the door panel and cracking of the table. Question 2: Whether the independent cabinets generally h***e a complete set of cabinets will affect the firmness. Compared with the independent cabinets, the service life and stability are quite different, and the cost will vary by about 5%. Each cabinet assembled in a single cabinet with separate cabinets should be individually packaged, and it is easy to judge in front of the cabinet installation table. Question 3: Assembling method?刨花板比密度板更环保刨花板和密度板是目前市场上比较常见的用于板式家具的材料,很多客户也比较关心这两种材质哪一种更加环保。 Pay attention to the assembly method of the cabinet. Generally, ***all factories or manual on-site can only be connected by screw rivets or glue. Nowadays, the installation method of the box rod and the reinforcement can more effectively ensure the firmness and the endurance of the box, and is more environmentally friendly.xx
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