作者:2015/12/3 2:48:55

Shanxi TT high ozone ultr***iolet light / finishing

Recently, Shandong Provincial Legislative Affairs Office announced the "Shandong Province, Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Draft for the second time draft)", which, for emergency measures, interviews with leaders, excessive sewage punishment, sediment transport vehicle, the burning of straw hand made detailed provisi***. It is reported that Shandong will be severely punished for excessive sewage, the maximum fine of 100 yuan.

Recently, Shandong Provincial Legislative Affairs Office announced the "Shandong Province, Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Draft for the second time draft)", which, for emergency measures, interviews with leaders, excessive sewage punishment, sediment transport vehicle, the burning of straw hand made detailed provisi***. At the same time, the draft also advocated green, low carbon tr***el, reference to optimization of urban road network layout, and concrete measures to implement peak commuting.

Shandong clear emergency plan eight measures

Violation units will be the maximum fine of 10 yuan

Starting in November 28th, the quality of air quality in Shandong city has deteriorated again. Ji'nan, Liaocheng, Zibo, Linyi and other places h***e also launched an emergency resp***e plan. In the new draft, Shandong of emergency measures and the corresponding punishment has made clear provisi***, the people's governments at or above the county level shall according to he***y pollution weather warning level, timely activate contingency plans, and can according to the urgent need to take the following eight emergency measures: ordering the discharge unit of production or limited production, limited parts of motor vehicle; stop or limit is easy to produce dust of the c***truction work; forbidding the open-air barbecue; prohibit the discharge of fireworks; stop outdoor activities in the kindergarten and school organization; organization held open group activities; the provisi*** of the state and province other emergency measures.

If the violation of regulati***, sewage units refused to stop or limit production operati*** and other he***y pollution weather emergency measures by the people's government at or above the county level environmental protection department or other departments resp***ible for the supervision and management of the ten thousand yuan or more one hundred thousand yuan fine.

The new regulati***, the most severe punishment: the maximum penalty of 100 yuan

Data show that 1 to October, the provincial capital city group PM2.5 ***erage concentration of 79 micrograms per cubic meter, down 10.2%, lower than the province's ***erage level of 1.3 percentage points, the overall quality of the 17 cities in the top four cities, Zibo, Dezhou, Ji'nan, Liaocheng, are in the provincial capital cities, although Ji'nan City air quality improvement is higher than the ***erage level of the province, but 9, October are ranked first in the ten major cities of pollution.

In the recently held capital cities, air pollution prevention and control conference, Shandong air pollution with he***y blows, the capital city of 7 mayor signed "junlingzhuang", the cohesion of the c***ensus of joint prevention and control. Provincial capital cities of seven cities, GDP accounted for 35.8% of the province, but the main pollutant emissi*** are more than 46% of the province. Among them, pollution control project progress is not balanced, illegal sewage is an important factor.

In the future, Shandong will be severely punished for excessive sewage. The new draft shows that exceed standa*** for the discharge of atmospheric pollutants or more than the key air pollutants total amount control indexes of the atmospheric pollutants discharged, by at or above the county level people's government department in charge of environmental protection shall order it to make correcti*** or limited production, cut-off remediation, and impose a fine of 1 00000 yuan more than 1 million yuan of the following; refuses to correct, according to an penalty decision of the competent department of environmental protection can be ordered from the day after the date of correction, according to the original penalty amount of daily c***ecutive penalties; if the circumstances are serious, reported approved by the approval of the people's government, ordered to suspend or close down; c***titutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal resp***ibility.

In addition, Shandong will also implement the "interviews", and interviews to the public. The draft proposed for more than one focus of the total air pollutant emission control targets or did not complete the goal of improving the quality of atmospheric environment of area, provincial and district of the city people's government department in charge of environmental protection should be in conjunction with the relevant departments of the interviews of the government of the people of the region is mainly resp***ible for people, and the suspension of approval to the new c***truction project environmental impact asses***ent document for the discharge of atmospheric pollutants in the area.

Prohibit open burning of straw to a maximum fine of 2000 yuan

After the autumn harvest this year, Shandong frequent straw burning beh***ior, according to the environmental monitoring department, Shandong and other places of the National Day holiday during straw burning fire points year-on-year rise.

Straw burning will produce choking snuff fl***or, reduce visibility, but also releases large amounts of PM2.5 and PM10, and thus lead to haze. In the new draft, open burning of straw is banned. Open burning of straw or in the prohibited area open burning branches, fallen le***es, weeds and other materials that will cause ***oke or dust pollution, determined by the people's government at or above the county level departments shall be ordered to make correcti***, and can be 500 yuan more than 2000 yuan fine.

Illegal open-air barbecue or will be fined 2 yuan

In order to effectively solve the problem of air pollution, but also the public a harmonious, good urban environment, in July this year, Shandong officially promulgated the "environmental friendly product technology requires no ***oke barbecue" Shandong local standa***. It is understood that the standard for our country released the first no ***oke barbecue furnace standa***.

In the future, Shandong will be clearly delineated on the open-air barbecue penalty. The draft mentioned, if in prohibited open-air barbecue area, sitting on the fence (window) barbecue or grill on the open-air barbecue, sitting on the fence (Windows) provide a venue, or other areas with barbecue without the use of ***okeless stove, shall be determined by the people's governments at or above the county level departments shall be ordered to make correcti***, barbecue tools and confiscation of illegal gains and impose 500 yuan or more below 20000 yuan fine.

Route and time tr***el satellite positioning car

To prevent spilling leaked violators fined or a fine of 2 yuan

Road transport, in Shandong Province will to muck trucks and other transport vehicles to install satellite positioning, the implementation of line supervision, prevent Yisa leak. The new draft clearly stipulates that the sediment transport, earth, gr***el, garbage, mortar, coal and other bulk, and fluid material of vehicles, should take the containment and in accordance with the provisi*** of the installation of satellite positioning device, in accordance with the provisi*** of the route and time driving, in the transport process may not be Yisa, material leakage.

Shanxi TT waste gas treatment environmental protection technology center launched the UV photolysis of VOCs organic waste gas purification lights: the principle is using special high-energy high ozone UV ultr***iolet light irradiation of organic gas molecules bond, cracking malodorous gases such as ammonia and trimethylamine, hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide hydrogen, methanethiol, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, carbon disulfide and styrene, sulphide H2S and VOC classes, benzene, toluene, xylene molecules, free of pollutants atoms with ozone oxidation were aggregated into ***all molecule harmless or less harmful substances, such as CO2 and H2O. Has ***all size, convenient management, good treatment effect, low operating costs and both h***e the characteristics of sterilization and disinfection. Shanxi TT waste gas treatment technology center industrial waste gas treatment has been formed in the interior, industrial workshop, poultry breeding field and other places of the ***ell of waste gas treatment series of core products, is a new direction of environmental protection, more and more environmentally friendly companies in its environmental protection work.

For vehicles of sediment transport, earth, gr***el, garbage, mortar, coal and other bulk, and fluid material, if there is any closed measures are not taken in accordance with the provisi***, in accordance with the provisi*** of the installation of satellite positioning device, not in accordance with the provisi*** of the route time tr***el, in the transport process left scattered material leakage., by at or above the county level people's government management of urban or appointed by the local government department shall order it to make correcti*** within the time limit, 2000 yuan more than 2 million yuan fine; refuses to correct, vehicles are not allowed on the road driving.


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