作者:2015/11/21 2:10:24

Shanxi TT high ozone ultr***iolet light / finishing

The traditional high operating costs of waste gas treatment process is gradually being phased out,, UV photolysis purifying exhaust gas and other advanced treatment process will be in organic waste gas processing industry promising

State departments to strengthen the prevention and control of air pollution policies and measures h***e been introduced, marking a new air pollution prevention and control campaign is about to start. August 2015, the new amendments to the people's Republic of China Air Pollution Prevention Act, the first will be volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the regulatory scope, the October 1st implementation of the volatile organic pollutants sewage charges pilot approach, the VOCs sewage charges and other air pollutants to upgrade to the same standard, Beijing is the VOCs of the sewage charges will be set at 40 yuan per kilogram.

State and some areas to develop the implementation of the organic waste gas treatment policies and regulati***, in the enterprise set up a "magic", but also to the promotion of environmental protection technology has brought opportunities. Combing from the industrial needs of the point of view, the future of air pollution prevention and control of air pollution will be the top priority of the work, the market or more than 300000000000, gas governance related businesses h***e ushered in the rapid development opportunities.

Organic waste gas pollution has the characteristics of regional, complexity and complex, which involves the urban area and industrial pollution sources, and the area of high emissi*** is mainly concentrated in the southeast coastal areas and other more developed regi***.

Odor pollution is an important part of waste gas treatment, with the depth of the air pollution prevention and control work, the stench pollution is getting more and more attention. Shanxi TT waste gas treatment environmental protection technology center of organic waste gas treatment and odor treatment h***e unique treatment technology and the higher level of pollution, in the exhaust and odor in the area of governance play their own advantages of the products, using organic waste gas purification, UV photolysis, there is no secondary pollution to the environment, non-toxic odor decomposition to degradation.

Treatment of organic waste gas contains a series of species, industries are not the same, composition and characteristics of the exhaust gas is not the same, in specific areas of pollution control technologies also exist differences. For example, the main components of the tire factory exhaust gas, VOCs and other odor gas, the general use of the process is the first of the dust pretreatment, the light catalytic device will be VOCs material decomposition, the final gas as well as odor through the removal of odor control box into the line, so as to achieve complete control.

Product upgrades and technological innovation is a strong support for the enterprise, this year, Shanxi TT waste gas treatment technology center in particular research and development of organic waste gas VOCs and odor management professional equipment and professional technology. In order to improve the development of new technologies, new product development and other aspects of the progress.

Organic waste gas treatment in some developed countries in Europe and America has been widely attention, equipment and technology, and in our country, the environmental protection industry is still in the development stage, with the increase of the state of the market space, which is a very good development opportunity, the future of waste gas treatment market should be the competition between investment costs, operating efficiency and treatment effect.

Shanxi TT waste gas treatment environmental protection technology center launched the UV photolysis of VOCs organic waste gas purification lights: the principle is using special high-energy high ozone UV ultr***iolet light irradiation of organic gas molecules bond, cracking malodorous gases such as ammonia and trimethylamine, hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide hydrogen, methanethiol, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, carbon disulfide and styrene, sulphide H2S and VOC classes, benzene, toluene, xylene molecules, free of pollutants atoms with ozone oxidation were aggregated into ***all molecule harmless or less harmful substances, such as CO2 and H2O. Has ***all size, convenient management, good treatment effect, low operating costs and both h***e the characteristics of sterilization and disinfection. Shanxi TT waste gas treatment technology center industrial waste gas treatment has been formed in the interior, industrial workshop, poultry breeding field and other places of the ***ell of waste gas treatment series of core products, is a new direction of environmental protection, more and more environmentally friendly companies in its environmental protection work.


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