作者:2015/10/23 3:13:04

Shanxi TT high ozone ultr***iolet light / finishing

2015, the Xiqing area fresh air action to control coal, dust control, control of industrial pollution, control of new projects as the focus, continue to improve the air pollution control fine management, and vigorously promote the implementation of the objectives and tasks of air pollution control.

Duocuobingju, actively promote the coal control work carried out. One is to do a good job of the 9 industrial coal-fired boiler to burn the project. A total of 16 t*** of industrial coal boiler 134. As of now, the 9 tasks h***e been completed 12, a total of 112 t*** of 7 t***, the remaining 2 tasks are steadily advancing. Two is actively promoting the 4 heating coal-fired boiler to burn and grid work. A total of 232 t*** of steam heating boilers, as of now, 4 tasks h***e been completed 2, a total of 180 4 t*** of steam, the remaining 2 grid work plan to complete by the end of 10. The three is to pay close attention to governance and advanced civilian bulk coal stoves promotion. Vigorously promote the region's commercial activities scattered coal management. At present, the commercial powder coal users 197 households h***e been cleared of 157 households; to accelerate the progress of the installation of advanced civil stoves, currently the first 336 sets of advanced civil stove has completed the installation of 1500, new 5868 stove installation tasks, plans by the end of October. The four is to actively promote the use of clean coal transformation in Yangliuqing power plant. In June, the 5# unit has been completed, the pollutant discharge to reach the gas standard; 8# unit has officially started c***truction, is expected to be completed in November.

Pay close attention to implement, adhere to the control of dust work often catch the tireless. One is to control the open-air barbecue. In order to effectively strengthen law enforcement and inspection efforts, since May, the region's dispatched a total of law enforcement staff of more than 2000 times, dispatched law enforcement vehicle more than 800 trips, investigate open-air barbecue more than 800 times and withheld tool more than 400. Especially Yangliuqing town, District, comprehensive law enforcement bureau, market supervision bureau, environmental protection bureau, public security, Xiqing branch department, to carry out the for a period of 2 months to 24 hours of joint law enforcement action, the open-air barbecue were thoroughly cleaned, has banned open-air barbecue 25, and achieved remarkable results. The two is to actively carry out land management. Adhere to the bare governance work together with other pollution prevention and control work, adhere to find a place for the verification of a governance. By the end of 8, the 1632 block 1560 block of bare land has been completed governance, the completion rate of 95.6%, ranked the highest in the city. Three is the early elimination of straw, weed burning hazard. According to "broaden channels, strengthen the use and sparse block combination, toward the planning, treating winter diseases in summer" overall train of thought, in early July, the region carried out straw, weeds stock investigati***, crushing machinery, chemicals and artificial weeding, promote the comprehensive utilization, straw and straw fertilizer can reduce the straw and weeds stock, to eliminate early autumn and winter straw, weeds burn hazard.

Iron pollution, strengthen industrial pollution control. One is to strengthen the management of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). As of now, the new air action target resp***ibility book to determine the 4 companies VOCs governance tasks h***e been completed 5. Two is actively eliminate backward production capacity. The region has eliminated backward coal-fired furnace 6, does not h***e the rectification conditi*** of 32 companies forced the closure of the relocation, 18 chemical enterprises to complete the transformation of the transformation and upgrading, the region industrial structure further optimized. Three is to strengthen environmental law enforcement. In close attention to project governance at the same time, to further strengthen the environmental protection law enforcement inspection, since 2015, has 28 companies on the atmospheric environment for the investigation, a fine of 298 yuan, to achieve a strong deterrent to environmental violati***.

Intensify efforts to carry out pollution source control. One is to strictly control the project access. Since 2015, has rejected the production of a stench, process gas and other volatile organic emissi*** and does not comply with industrial policies of pesticides, veterinary drugs, food additives and other projects 6, from the source of the good access gateway. Two is to pay close attention to car work. Out of the region's 12500 yellow car, the successful completion of the municipal government issued the target task, from the source to reduce the adverse impact of the vehicle exhaust on the atmospheric environment. At the same time, strengthen the bus station, the site of non road mobile machinery, road vehicle inspection and monitoring efforts, has 65 times on the road, remote sensing monitoring of passing vehicles more than 13670 vehicles, 23 cases of excessive emissi*** of vehicles for filing penalties.

Shanxi TT waste gas treatment technology center for our government to pay attention to the organic exhaust emissi*** of enterprises, but it is not desirable to stop the project, we must develop the project at the same time, the organic waste gas purification is the hard truth, the development of the economy, but also to purify the environment, this is our pursuit of purpose

Shanxi TT waste gas treatment technology center launched the high ozone ultr***iolet lamp is specially designed for the organic waste gas purification, and look forward to more environmentally friendly enterprises can pay more attention to our organic waste gas to control, but we h***e to develop the economy!


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