颜 色:金属色(白色)
温 度:-40℃~+100℃、短时可达+120℃
唐山市中科英华电力技术有限公司是生产电缆穿线管-橡胶管护口/PVC管护口系列产品的高新技术企业。产品广泛应用于电力系统、科研教学机构、水利、石油、铁路、矿山、化工等行业。公司拥有一支强大的研发团队和科学的管理体系。坚持“以***铸就精品,以诚信赢得市场,重质量,重科学”的企业发展理念,培养和吸进了一大批集电力电子,高压、计算机测控,软件技术,电子技术等高、新、尖技术的电气工程***技术人才,随时为用户提供设计、供应、调试、维修方便快捷的服务理念,管护口,提供优质、完善的产品,打造***电气精品企业! '精准仪器、优质优量、科学创新、服务周到、用户至上、诚信为本'是中科英华电力的经营理念。唐山市中科英华电力技术有限公司真诚欢迎各界同仁合作,携手共进。
管护口的用途:在电气安装工程电缆穿线时,把管护口套在钢管穿线管口径上,防止电缆在钢管口径边缘划伤。 管护口的特点:我公司生产的橡胶管护口采用内外保护电缆的设计,不仅有柔软、使用寿命长的特点,而且区别于传统PVC护口易碎、易变形、易脱落的缺点。对电气工程安装电缆起保护作用。 管护口型号:适用于DN15、DN20、DN25、DN32、DN40、DN50、 DN65、DN80、DN100钢管 。 New-type Cable Threading Tube Ferrule and Fixed Clamp Key Word: Tube Ferrule,护口帽, Cable Threading Tube Ferrule, New-type Rubber Tube Ferrule Tangshan Zhongkeyinghua Power Technology Co., Ltd. manufactures and sells the most advanced ferrule for cable threading tubes and rubber tubes. This product has been widely used in electrical installation projects at home and abroad with high reputation from its users. Applicati***: Our Ferrule can be used to prevent scratching when threading the electrical cable in the electrical installation projects by putting around the steel threading tubes. Characteristics: We adopts the design which can protect both the inside and outside tubes. Thus, our rubber tube ferrules are not only soft and long-service-life, but also different from the traditional PVC ferrule which is fragile, easily deformed and shedding. It can protect the cables in the electrical installation project to the largest extent. Models: This Ferrule can be used on the steel tubes of DN15、DN20、DN25、DN32、DN40、DN50、 DN65、DN80、DN100. Please see the descripti*** and pictures on our website to see how to fix the threading tube. Required products in the installation of electrical cable threading: New-type rubber ferrule and double plate tube clamps.
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