作者:汇丰铜雕2020/10/10 16:44:51
紫禁城的庭院和街道旁放着大小不等的铜缸、铁缸几乎是永恒不变的陈设。故宫原来一共有308 口铜铁质地的大缸,其中鎏金铜缸22 口。这些大缸的作用有多重意义,首先它是储水防火的消防设备。紫禁城建筑大多是以木结构为主,怕火灾的发生。朝廷对这些大铜缸非常重视,每年入冬之后,皇帝还要下旨令人在缸盖上加屉子并苫草帘,下面置放炭火防 止结冰。其次,它在殿宇巍峨的宫殿群中,起到了装饰作用。金光灿烂 的大铜缸,衬托着紫禁城的红墙黄瓦,显得格外富丽堂皇。另外,铜缸 有祈福祛灾的吉祥作用,又称“门海”、“福海”、“吉祥缸”。它们是近代中国遭受侵略的历史见证!这是当时故宫相关信息里的一种防火设施。很早以前,人们就想出了在门前放置大缸以便及时救火的办法,只要时常将水注满,发生火情时就可以随时就近取水灭火。从字面上不难理解,“门海”即是门前之大海。每天一早,铜牛雕塑厂,内务府官员便命苏拉(杂役)从井内汲水,一担一担地把所有大缸灌满,以备防火之用。每年到了小雪季节,宫内的太监就要在铜缸外套上一层棉套,上面再加上厚厚的缸盖。唐县汇丰工艺品厂***铸造各种铜缸及各种铜雕塑。

牛的直观形象是雄壮的,憨实的,所以牛有很多特殊的 意蕴 。在西方,华尔街铜牛,牛是力量与财富的象征;在中国,牛则是勤劳勤恳的代表。另外,牛在中国是十二生肖之一,所以牛 雕塑 不仅仅代表力量、财富、勤劳勤恳,同时也是生辰标识性雕塑之一。

The intuitive image of cattle is majestic and simple, so cattle h***e many special meanings. In the west, cattle are the symbol of strength and wealth; in China, cattle are the representative of diligence. In addition, the ox is one of the twelve zodiac signs in China, so the ox sculpture not only represents strength,铜牛, wealth, diligence and diligence, but also is one of the landmark sculptures of the birthday.

牛在动物界是为勤劳朴实、勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨的动物,牛的形象常被雕塑成各种造型,并赋予多种象征 意义 ,比较常见的有开荒牛雕塑、华尔街铜牛雕塑、生肖牛铜雕塑等等,牛象征着春天,因为它在开春后就下地犁田,寄托着丰收的希望。

Cattle are the most industrious, simple, diligent and hard-working animals in the animal world. The image of cattle is often sculpted into various shapes and given a variety of symbolic meanings. The more common ones are the sculpture of cattle in the wilderness, the sculpture of bronze cattle on Wall Street, the sculpture of bronze cattle on the Chinese zodiac, etc. the ox symbolizes spring, because it plows the fields after the spring, and bears the hope of harvest.



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