鼎是创制早的一种器皿,后来成为祭祀神器,是国宝。几千年来,鼎在中华物质文化史中占有重要地位,是中华民族文化的象征之一。铜鼎在民以食为天的古代,是用于烹食的炊具,重要性不言而喻。铜鼎在各个时代的特征不仅书写的是中国的历史,更是记载了历史的发展轨迹。 后在王朝时期,商周后期赋予了铜鼎新的历史意义。司母戊鼎是铜鼎杰出的代表,又称后母戊鼎,该铜鼎是商王武丁的儿子为了祭奠自己的母亲所铸造出来的,所以铜鼎的历史意义有一次发生了改变。后来因朝政的改变,历史的变迁,终铜鼎变成了我们为熟知权利与地位的象征的礼器。西藏和平解放50周年庆典之际,******向西藏自治区赠送“民族团结宝鼎”,矗立于拉萨人民会堂广场,象征民族团结和西藏各项事业鼎盛发展。
Copper tripod evolved from pottery tripod. It was first used to cook food, then mainly used for sacrifice and feast. It was one of the most important ritual vessels in Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Ding, originally a cooking utensil in ancient times, became an important symbol of the political rights of the ruling class. It was regarded as the treasure of town and country and the treasure of spreading the nation. It was also the symbol of the hierarchical system of "noble and cheap, distinguishing from superior and inferior".
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