唐乐宫之命名,取意于唐代 “五音八乐”和 “欢乐***”之双重含义。顾名思义,唐乐宫是一座融文化***和餐饮为一体的综合性企业,其中***负盛名的 “歌舞剧院餐厅” 誉满中外,其丰盛的美酒佳肴、绚丽多姿热情扬溢的唐代民族歌舞,令您重温千年古都西安的泱泱古风;而食香酒美的宴会厅、巧手粤菜的中餐厅也同具特色。
Although the Tang Dynasty complex is specially designed to accommodate a world class theatre restaurant, it is also equipped with extensive banqueting facilities and an authentic Cantonese cuisine restaurant . Centrally located in Xian ,Shanxi, the complex is 2km south of the famous Bell Tower which is the center of the city.
Since its debut in 1988,the Tang Dynasty Complex received over 3.3 million guests from around the world . This is also a place where dignitaries and visitors to Xian congregate to partake of the splendor of the Tang Cultural experience.In fact, overseas visitors commented that their evening at the Tang Dynasty Complex was perhaps the most entertaining and enriching experience in their journey around China.
The theatre restaurant of the Tang Dynasty Complex is the only one of its kind in modern China that is comparable to the best internationally. The main hall covers an area of approximately 2000 square metres and can comfortably seat over 600diners at any one time.
The sumptuous menu, which blends the best of the West and the East followed by the rich and colourful cultural experience of the Tang Civilization, qualifies the evening entertainment as the prime show of shows. The blending of the graceful art-form of Ancient Chang An and the latest in lighting and stage effects is a beauty and a joy to the beholder. The Tang Cultrual Show may be a total contrast to some of the contemporary musicals of modern Las Vegas, but is nevertheless hailed by visitors as the “Lido”of the Orient.
工作电话: 029-87276635 134-8821-3698
租车包车: 029-87971890 182-9191-8585
国内旅游: 029-84521233 133-6396-0915
地接/一日游:029-87771630 186-8181-8085
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