This product is widely used in plants warehouses,material stocks to lift goods.It is prohibited to use the equipment in the combustible,explosive or corrosives environment.
This product has two operational methods.ground or operational room which has open model and closed model and can be installed on left or right side according to the practical situation.And the direction of entering the gate has two forms,sideway and ends in order to satisfy the users’Choice users.
H-起升高度 Hoisting height
V1-起升速度 Hoisting speed
V2-小车运行速度 Tr***eling speed of trolley
V3-大车运行速度 Tr***eling speed of crane
L1-起重机左极限 Left limit of crane
L2-起重机右极限 Right limit of crane
C1-起重机两端*小极限 Minimum limit of both ends
C2-起重机顶部*小极限 Minimum limit of top of crane
S-起重机跨度 Crane span
H1-起重机小车钩心到顶部的距离 Distance between core of hook and its top
H2-起重机小车的高度 Height of trolley
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