Habasit Business
作者:旗暮工贸2015/4/5 13:43:15

Habasit 2013 Group c***olidated sales increased by 3.5% compared to last year, while the net sales growth in local currencies was 5.2%.

Group EBIT increased over proportionally by more than 10%. The Group’s cash position could be further strengthened and the equity ratio remained stable at 73%.
  2013 2012 Growth


Total net sales in CHF


629.6 million 608.4 million + 3.5% 


Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)


    + 10.7% 



During 2013 we h***e continued reinforcing our presence in all markets through the expansion of the existing subsidiaries and the incorporation of several ***all scale acquisiti***, being the takeover of the remaining 49% shares of the Indian subsidiary the most noticeable one.

As a result of the good business development all our manufacturing facilities h***e benefited from increased demand and several investments h***e been put in place to improve their quality and operational excellence.

In the first half of 2014, we experience an acceleration of the growth in all markets and we remain optimistic about another successful business year.

The shareholders and the management team thank all Habasit employees for their contribution and remain committed to continue investing in the company.

Thomas Habegger  Andrea Volpi
Chairman of the Habasit Holding AG  CEO of Habasit AG


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