L-苹果酸检测***盒, K-LMALR,L-Malic A
作者:2014/6/13 7:00:56

L-苹果酸检测***盒,  K-LMALR,L-Malic Acid (Regular) Assay Kit



英文品名:L-Malic Acid (Regular) Assay Kit

规格型号:58 assays (manual) / 580 assays (microplate)

For the specific assay of L-malic acid (L-malate) in beverages and food products.


As a component of the citric acid cycle, L-malic acid (L-malate)

is found in all living organi***s. Its quantitative determination is

especially important in the manufacture of wine, beer, bread, fruit

and vegetable products, as well as in co***etics and pharmaceuticals.

It is one of the most important fruit acids, and has the highest

concentration of all acids in wine. In the wine industry, the level of

L-malic acid is monitored, along with L-lactic acid, during ma***actic

fermentation. L-Malic acid finds many applicati*** as a food

preservative (E296) and fl***our enhancing compound, such as in the

manufacture of low calorie drinks.

This booklet describes a manual spectrophotometric and a microplate

method for the quantitative determination of L-malic acid. However,

an alternative method tailored towa*** the ***all winery is also

***ailable from Megazyme that is based on the use of an inexpensive

colorimeter, the MegaQuantTM meter (see product D-LMALMQ).

A third kit for L-malic acid has been optimised for auto-analyser

applicati*** (see product K-LMALAF).


Kits suitable for performing 58 / 116 assays in manual format (or 580 /

1160 assays in microplate format) are ***ailable from Megazyme. The kits

contain the full assay method plus:

58 Determinati*** Kit (cat. no. K-LMALR)

Bottle 1: Buffer (6 mL, pH 10.0) plus L-Gluta mate and sodium

azide (0.02% w/v) as a preservative.

Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.

Bottle 2: NAD+ plus PVP.

Stable for 大于5 years at -20°C.

Bottle 3: Gluta mate-oxaloacetate transaminase suspension

(1.25 mL).

Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.

Bottle 4: L-Malate dehydrogenase suspension

(1.25 mL).

Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.

Bottle 5: L-Malic acid standard solution (5 mL, 0.15 mg/mL).

Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.

116 Determinati*** Kit (cat. no. K-LMALL)

Bottle 1: Buffer (12 mL, pH 10.0) plus L-Gluta mate and sodium

azide (0.02% w/v) as a preservative.

Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.

Bottle 2: (x2) NAD+ plus PVP.

Stable for 大于5 years at -20°C.

Bottle 3: Gluta mate-oxaloacetate transaminase suspension

(2.5 mL).

Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.

Bottle 4: L-Malate dehydrogenase suspension (2.5 mL).

Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.

Bottle 5: L-Malic acid standard solution (5 mL, 0.15 mg/mL).

Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.






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