China ship repair company
作者:2012/10/17 4:27:09


I am from the biggest rope and chain supplier in China,Ijin Marine Limited.

What is a good repairer in shipping industry? I think he should be:

1,Professional enough.

They should know more about the equipment to repair.

Never mind it is main engine,auxiliary engine,compressor,or hydraulic system,etc

2,Reliable enough.

After order,they should complete repairing without any problems.

Even no spare part,they should advise where the problems stay.

3,Competitive enough.
They should h***e better technology strength with better price,and can come with you when you need.
How to find such a repairer?
Yes,we are!

IJIN MARINE LIMITED is a good enough general ship repairer in China, also the biggest rope and chain supplier in China.

We cover China ports from north to south,because we h***e 3 offices in Zhanjiang,South China,Shanghai, and Rizhao,North China.

We can repair boiler,compressor,main engine,etc and can do underwater repairing as well.


Once again, I am from the biggest rope and chain supplier in China,Ijin Marine Limited.

Please send me request if you need any ropes,chains,etc.

My e-mail address:

Or feel free to take a look at our website

Please forward to the purchase department if you are not in charge of.

Best Rega***

Bill Jia

The biggest rope supplier in China !


Trader/Supplier:Ropes,chains,rubbers,stores,provision,spare part,etc

Broker: Repairing,chartering,sale and purchase,crewing,bunker,etc

E-mail: or

Tel:       +86-21-51699732

Mobile: +86-15026636864(24hours)

Fax:      +86-21-68888090

Add:     2-603,Lane 138,Rushan Road,Shanghai,200120,China

***: 66895009

Skype: bill.jia



Shipserv TradeNet:201579

Register No: 1626036

Certificate/VAT No: 58610100-000-07-11-4

Please reply my e-mail if don't want to receive our newsletter , which will be sent every 18 days.

商户名称:Ijin Marine Limited

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