Preventative Maintenance and Service
YSI Model 1500 Reagents and Supplies
YSI Model 2300 Reagents and Supplies
YSI Model 2700 Reagents and Supplies
YSI Model 2900 - 2950 Reagents and Supplies
YSI Model 7100 Reagents and Supplies
012604 - Battery "AA" NI-CAD
012604 - Battery "AA" NI-CAD
023033 - Tubing Kit
023033 - Tubing Kit
038237 - Dowel Pin - 2300/2700/7100
038237 - Dowel Pin - 2300/2700/7100
038237 - Dowel Pin - 2300/2700/7100
061671 - Print Head - 2300/2700
061671 - Print Head - 2300/2700
061895 - Pump Head, Peristaltic - 2300/2700
061895 - Pump Head, Peristaltic - 2300/2700
061944 - Housing Electrode 2300/2700/7100
061944 - Housing Electrode 2300/2700/7100
061944 - Housing Electrode 2300/2700/7100
062255 - Magnetic Stir Bar 2300/2700/7100
062255 - Magnetic Stir Bar 2300/2700/7100
062255 - Magnetic Stir Bar 2300/2700/7100
062259 - O-Ring - 2300/2700/7100
062259 - O-Ring - 2300/2700/7100
062259 - O-Ring - 2300/2700/7100
062265 - Temp Probe Assembly - 2300/2700
062265 - Temp Probe Assembly - 2300/2700
062294 - Sipper Cable - 2300/2700
062294 - Sipper Cable - 2300/2700
062319 - Cable Sensor Bottle (Red) - 2300/2700
062319 - Cable Sensor Bottle (Red) - 2300/2700
062320 - Cable Sensor Bottle (Black) - 2300/2700
062320 - Cable Sensor Bottle (Black) - 2300/2700
062321 - Cable Sensor Bottle (White) - 2300/2700
062321 - Cable Sensor Bottle (White) - 2300/2700
062498 - Spacer - 2300/2700/7100
062498 - Spacer - 2300/2700/7100
062498 - Spacer - 2300/2700/7100
062499 - Front Cap - 2300/2700/7100
062499 - Front Cap - 2300/2700/7100
062499 - Front Cap - 2300/2700/7100
062500 - Plunger - 2300/2700/7100
062500 - Plunger - 2300/2700/7100
062500 - Plunger - 2300/2700/7100
062502 - Sipper Needle Assembly - 2300/2700
062502 - Sipper Needle Assembly - 2300/2700
062503 - Body, Sipper Pump
062503 - Body, Sipper Pump
062503 - Body, Sipper Pump
062506 - Pump Assembly, Sipper - 2300/2700
062506 - Pump Assembly, Sipper - 2300/2700
062512 - Housing, Sipper Pump - 2300/2700/7100
062512 - Housing, Sipper Pump - 2300/2700/7100
062512 - Housing, Sipper Pump - 2300/2700/7100
062616 - Clamp, Flat Wire - 2300/2700
062616 - Clamp, Flat Wire - 2300/2700
070910 - Tear Bars, Printer - 2300/2700
070910 - Tear Bars, Printer - 2300/2700
110003 - RP Switch, Optical - 7100
110005 - Motor Assembly, Stir - 2300/2700/7100
110005 - Motor Assembly, Stir - 2300/2700/7100
110005 - Motor Assembly, Stir - 2300/2700/7100
110008 - RP Waste Assembly, 7100
110009 - Bottle Assembly, Waste - 2300/2700
110009 - Bottle Assembly, Waste - 2300/2700
110010 - Bottle Assembly, Supply - 2300/2700
110010 - Bottle Assembly, Supply - 2300/2700
110011 - Bottle Assembly, Cal - 2300/2700
110011 - Bottle Assembly, Cal - 2300/2700
110014 - Motor Assembly, Peristaltic - 1500/2300/2700
110014 - Motor Assembly, Peristaltic - 1500/2300/2700
110014 - Motor Assembly, Peristaltic - 1500/2300/2700
110016 - Probe Assembly - 7100
110022 - Cal Pump Assembly 7100
110027 - Main Board, 7100
110036 - RP, Solenoid Pinch Valve - 7100
110054 - Needle Drive Motor Assembly - 2300/2700
110054 - Needle Drive Motor Assembly - 2300/2700
110055 - Sipper Drive Motor - 2300/2700
110055 - Sipper Drive Motor - 2300/2700
110056 - Waste Chamber Assembly - 2300/2700
110056 - Waste Chamber Assembly - 2300/2700
110061 - RP, BODY, SIPPER PUMP 2300/2700/7100
110061 - RP, BODY, SIPPER PUMP 2300/2700/7100
110061 - RP, BODY, SIPPER PUMP 2300/2700/7100
110923 - Probe Assembly, Enzyme - 2300/2700
110923 - Probe Assembly, Enzyme - 2300/2700
110925 - Blue Ribbon Cable with Clamp - 2300/2700
110925 - Blue Ribbon Cable with Clamp - 2300/2700
1515 Cell Lysing (8 packets - 4 liters)
1515 Cell Lysing (8 packets - 4 liters)
1515 Cell Lysing (8 packets - 4 liters)
1530 - L-Lactate Standard, 30 mmol/L (125 mL)
1530 - L-Lactate Standard, 30 mmol/L (125 mL)
1530 - L-Lactate Standard, 30 mmol/L (125 mL)
1531 - Glucose Standard, 50 mmol/L (125 mL)
1531 - Glucose Standard, 50 mmol/L (125 mL)
1531 - Glucose Standard, 50 mmol/L (125 mL)
1579 - Methanol Buffer
1579 - Methanol Buffer
2323 - Glucose/Lactate Starter Kit
2324 - Glucose Starter Kit
2325 - Lactate Starter Kit
2327 - L-Lactate Standard, 5 mmol/L (125 mL)
2328 - L-Lactate Standard, 15 mmol/L (125 mL)
2329 - L-Lactate Membranes (4 each)
2329 - L-Lactate Membranes (4 each)
2329 - L-Lactate Membranes (4 each)
2329 - L-Lactate Membranes (4 each)
2355 - Glucose Standard 200 mg/dL (2 g/L)
2355 - Glucose Standard 200 mg/dL (2 g/L)
2355 - Glucose Standard 200 mg/dL (2 g/L)
2356 - Glucose Standard 500mg/dL (125mL)
2356 - Glucose Standard 500mg/dL (125mL)
2357 - Buffer (glucose/lactate/glutamine/glutamate) (8 envelopes)
2357 - Buffer (glucose/lactate/glutamine/glutamate) (8 envelopes)
2357 - Buffer (glucose/lactate/glutamine/glutamate) (8 envelopes)
2357 - Buffer (glucose/lactate/glutamine/glutamate) (8 envelopes)
2363 - Potassium Ferrocyanide (125 mL)
2363 - Potassium Ferrocyanide (125 mL)
2363 - Potassium Ferrocyanide (125 mL)
2363 - Potassium Ferrocyanide (125 mL)
2363 - Potassium Ferrocyanide (125 mL)
2365 - Glucose Membranes (4 each)
2365 - Glucose Membranes (4 each)
2365 - Glucose Membranes (4 each)
2365 - Glucose Membranes (4 each)
2367 - Glucose Standard 10 mmol/L (125mL)
2368 - Glucose Standard, 25.0 mmo/L (125mL)
2392 - N*** Solution (30 mL)
2392 - N*** Solution (30 mL)
2392 - N*** Solution (30 mL)
2392 - N*** Solution (30 mL)
2399 - IQ/OQ Documentation Package Only
2700 Single-Channel Biochemistry Analyzer - 115 volt
2700 Single-Channel Biochemistry Analyzer - 230 volt
2701 - Blank Membranes (4 each)
2702 - Lactose Membranes (4 each)
2703 - Sucrose Membranes (4 each)
2703 - Sucrose Membranes (4 each)
2705 - Lactose Buffer (8 vials - 4 Liters)
2705 - Lactose Buffer (8 vials - 4 Liters)
2705 - Lactose Buffer (8 vials - 4 Liters)
2705 - Lactose Buffer (8 vials - 4 Liters)
2714 - Glucose Standard, 100 mg/dL (250 mL)
2714 - Glucose Standard, 100 mg/dL (250 mL)
2714 - Glucose Standard, 100 mg/dL (250 mL)
2715 Glucose Standard, 400 mg/dL (250 mL)
2715 Glucose Standard, 400 mg/dL (250 mL)
2715 Glucose Standard, 400 mg/dL (250 mL)
2716 - Glucose Standard, 700 mg/dL (125 mL)
2716 - Glucose Standard, 700 mg/dL (125 mL)
2716 - Glucose Standard, 700 mg/dL (125 mL)
2725- Methanol Membranes (4 each)
2725- Methanol Membranes (4 each)
2726 - Methanol Standa*** Kit
2726 - Methanol Standa*** Kit
2735 - Glutamine Membrane (4 each)
2735 - Glutamine Membrane (4 each)
2736 - Glutamine Standard, 5 mmol/L (125mL)
2737 - Glutamine Standard, 8 mmol/L (156 mL)
2738 - Glutamine Starter Kit
2747 - Dextrose/Lactate Standard 1.80 g/L Dextrose, .45 g/L Lactate
2748 - Dextrose/Lactate Standard 18 g/L, Dextrose 1.78 g/L Lactate
2748 - Dextrose/Lactate Standard 18 g/L, Dextrose 1.78 g/L Lactate
2751 - Printer Paper (5 rolls)
2751 - Printer Paper (5 rolls)
2751 - Printer Paper (5 rolls)
2751 - Printer Paper (5 rolls)
2754 - Glutamate Membranes (4 each)
2754 - Glutamate Membranes (4 each)
2755 - Glutamate Standard, 5 mmo/L
2756 - Glutamate Standard, 10.0 mmol/L
2756 - Glutamate Standard, 10.0 mmol/L
2761 - Xylose Membranes (4 ea)
2761 - Xylose Membranes (4 ea)
2767 - Xylose Calibrator Solution, 20 g/L
2768 - Xylose Linearity Solution, 30 g/L
2771 - Choline Membranes (4 each)
2772 - Choline Standard, 175 mg/L
2773 - Choline Standard, 450 mg/L
2776 - Dextrose/Lactate Standard, 2.50 g/L Dextrose, .50 g/L Lactate
2777 - Dextrose/Lactate Standard, 25.0 g/L Dextrose, 2.50 g/L Lactate
2778 - Sucrose Standard
2778 - Sucrose Standard
2780 - Sucrose Standard, 5.00 g/L
2783 - Lactose Standard, 5.00 g/L
2784 - Lactose Standard, 25.00 g/L
2786 - Ethanol Membrane Kit (4 each)
2786 - Ethanol Membrane Kit (4 each)
2787 - Ethanol Buffer (8 vials - 4 liters)
2787 - Ethanol Buffer (8 vials - 4 liters)
2788 - Preventative Maintenance Kit (To Be Shipped)
2788 - Preventative Maintenance Kit (To Be Shipped)
2790 - Ethanol Standa*** Kit
2790 - Ethanol Standa*** Kit
2791 - Xylose Software Kit W/Cable
2792 - Low Conc Ethanol Standard Kit
2792 - Low Conc Ethanol Standard Kit
2792 - Low Conc Ethanol Standard Kit
2799 - IQ/OQ Documentation Package Only
2801 - Glucose Standard, 50 mg/dL (125 mL)*
2801 - Glucose Standard, 50 mg/dL (125 mL)*
2801 - Glucose Standar
d, 50 mg/dL (125 mL)*
2932 - IQ/OQ Documentation Package Only
2935 - Glycerol Buffer Bottle Kit
2970 - ISE Buffer Solution (1 L)
2971 - Potassium Calibrator Standard, 1000 mg/L (250 mL)
2972 - Ammonium Calibrator Standard, 500 mg/L (250 mL)
2974 - Ammonium Electrode (1 ea)
2975 - Potassium Electrode (1 ea)
2976 - ISE Reference Electrode (1 ea)
2988 - Preventative Maintenance Kit (To Be Shipped)
2989 - Preventative Maintenance Kit (To Be Shipped)
527013 - Printer Assembly - 2300/2700
527013 - Printer Assembly - 2300/2700
571515 - Cable Assembly Set - 7100
571519 - Cable Assy, Liquid Detection
571519 - Cable Assy, Liquid Detection
571519 - Cable Assy, Liquid Detection
571557 - Grommet, Rubber 7100
571610 - Housing, Needle, Sipper
571610 - Housing, Needle, Sipper
571610 - Housing, Needle, Sipper
571613 - Sipper Needle Assembly - 7100
7100 Multiparameter Bioanalytical System (1 biosensor & 1 ISE module)
7100 Multiparameter Bioanalytical System (2 biosensor & 1 ISE module)
7100 Multiparameter Bioanalytical System (four parameter)
7100 Multiparameter Bioanalytical System (six parameter)
7100 Multiparameter Bioanalytical System (two parameter)
7136 - Glutamine Standard, 5 mmol/L (150 mL)
7147 - Dextrose/Lactate Standard 1.80 g/L Dextrose .45 g/L Lactate
7150 - ERE (Extended Range Ethanol) Membranes - 4 Pack
7151 - Calibrator kit containing calibration standard at 25g/L and Linearity standard at 40g/L
7155 - Glutamate Standard, 5.0 mmol/L (150 mL)
7167 - Xylose Standard, 20 g/L (150 mL)
7170 - ISE Buffer Solution (500 mL)
7171 - Potassium Standard, 1000 mg/L (150 mL)
7172 - Ammonium Standard, 500 mg/L (150 ml)
7173 - Sodium Chloride Check Solution, 10 g/L (125 mL)
7174 - Ammonium Electrode (7100)
7175 - Potassium Electrode - 7100
7176 - ISE Reference Electrode (1 ea)
7178 - Ammonium Module Upgrade Kit
7179 - Ammonium/Potassium Check Solution, 100mg/L (125 mL)
7181 - Bar Code Scanner
7188-B - Maintenance Kit (includes 7188-A + additional maintenance items)
7189 - Buffer Pump Head Assembly
7190 - Sucrose Standard, 5.00 g/L
7191 - Biosensor Module Upgrade Kit
7199 - IQ/OQ Documentation Package Only
Battery "AA" NI-Cad (For Service Only)
DESR - Diagnostic Estimate for Service or Repair (Flat Rate)
HLC200 - Hourly Labor Charge
Hourly Extensive Phone Tech Support
HTC300 - Hourly Training Charge (YSI 2300 - 2700)
HTC350 - Hourly Training Charge (YSI 7100)
HT***00 - Hourly Training Charge (YSI 2950)
PM2300 - Preventative Maintenance Charge - YSI 2300
PM2700 - Preventative Maintenance Charge - YSI 2700
PM2788 - Preventative Maintenance Kit (Not to be Shipped)
PM2900 - Preventative Maintenance Charge - YSI 2900
PM2950 - Preventative Maintenance Charge - YSI 2950
PM2988 - Preventative Maintenance Kit (Not to be Shipped)
PM2989 - Preventative Maintenance Kit (Not to be Shipped)
PM7100 - Preventative Maintenance Charge - YSI 7100
TT130 - Tr***el Per Hour (Portal to Portal)
061671 - Print Head - 2300/2700
061671 - Print Head - 2300/2700
061944 - Housing Electrode 2300/2700/7100
062503 - Body, Sipper Pump
062616 - Clamp, Flat Wire
110061 - RP, BODY, SIPPER PUMP 2300/2700/7100
1515 - Cell Lysing (8 packets - 4 liters)
2700 Single-Channel Biochemistry Analyzer - 230 volt
2714 - Glucose Standard, 100 mg/dL (250 mL)
2761 Xylose Membranes (4 ea)
2788M - Preventative Maintenance (Not to be Shipped)
2988 Preventative Maintenance Kit
2988M - Preventative Maintenance (Not to be Shipped)
2989M - Preventative Maintenance for 2950 (Not to be Shipped)
7100 Multiparameter Bioanalytical System (1 biosensor & 1 ISE module)
7100 Multiparameter Bioanalytical System (2 biosensor & 1 ISE module)
7100 Multiparameter Bioanalytical System (four parameter)
7100 Multiparameter Bioanalytical System (six parameter)
7100 Multiparameter Bioanalytical System (two parameter)
7167 - Xylose Standard, 20 g/L (150 mL)
Ammonium Calibrator Standard, 500 mg/L (250 mL)
Ammonium Electrode (1 ea)
Ammonium Electrode (1 each)
Ammonium Module Upgrade Kit
Ammonium Standard, 500 mg/L (150 ml)
Ammonium/Potassium Check Solution, 100mg/L (125 mL)
Bar Code Scanner
Battery "AA" NI-Cad (For Service Only)
Biosensor Module Upgrade Kit
Blank Membranes (4 each)
Blue Ribbon Cable with Clamp - 2300/2700
Bottle Assembly, Cal - 2300/2700
Bottle Assembly, Supply
Bottle Assembly, Waste
Buffer (glucose/lactate/glutamine/glutamate)(8 envelopes-4 liters)
Buffer Pump Head Assembly
Cable Assembly Set - 7100
Cable Assy, Liquid Detection
Cable Sensor Bottle (Black)
Cable Sensor Bottle (Red)
Cable Sensor Bottle (White)
Cal Pump Assembly 7100
Calibrator kit containing calibration standard at 25g/L and Linearity standard at 40g/L - $191.00
Choline Membranes (4 each)
Choline Standard, 175 mg/L
Choline Standard, 450 mg/L
Dextrose/Lactate Standard 1.80 g/L Dextrose .45 g/L Lactate
Dextrose/Lactate Standard 1.80 g/L Dextrose, .45 g/L Lactate
Dextrose/Lactate Standard 18 g/L, Dextrose 1.78 g/L Lactate
Dextrose/Lactate Standard, 2.50 g/L Dextrose, .50 g/L Lactate
Dextrose/Lactate Standard, 25.0 g/L Dextrose, 2.50 g/L Lactate
Diagnostic Estimate for Service or Repair (Flat Rate)
Dowel Pin - 2300/2700/7100
ERE (Extended Range Ethanol) Membranes - package of 4
Ethanol Buffer (8 vials - 4 liters)
Ethanol Membrane Kit (4 each)
Ethanol Standa*** Kit
Front Cap 2300/2700/7100
Glucose Membranes (4 each) - 1500
Glucose Standard 10 mmol/L used with 1500G
Glucose Standard 200 mg/dL (2 g/L)
Glucose Standard 500mg/dL (125mL)
Glucose Standard, 25.0 mmo/L (125mL)
Glucose Standard, 400 mg/dL (250 mL)
Glucose Standard, 50 mg/dL* (125 mL)
Glucose Standard, 50 mmol/L (125 mL)
Glucose Standard, 700 mg/dL (125 mL)
Glucose Starter Kit
Glucose/Lactate Starter Kit
Glutamate Membranes (4 each)
Glutamate Standard, 10.0 mmol/L
Glutamate Standard, 5 mmo/L
Glutamate Standard, 5.0 mmol/L (150 mL)
Glutamine Membrane (4 each)
Glutamine Standard, 5 mmol/L (125mL)
Glutamine Standard, 5.00 mmol/L (150 mL)
Glutamine Standard, 8 mmol/L (156 mL)
Glutamine Starter Kit
Glycerol Buffer Bottle Kit
Grommet, Rubber 7100
Hourly Extensive Phone Tech Support
Hourly Labor Charge.
Hourly Training Charge (YSI 2300 - 2700)
Hourly Training Charge (YSI 7100)
Hourly training charge for YSI 2950
Housing, Needle, Sipper
Housing, Sipper Pump
IQ/OQ Documentation Package Only
ISE Buffer Solution (1 L)
ISE Buffer Solution (500 mL)
ISE Reference Electrode (1 ea)
ISE Reference Electrode (7176) - 7100
Lactate Starter Kit
Lactose Buffer (8 vials - 4 Liters)
Lactose Membranes (4 each)
Lactose Standard, 25.00 g/L
Lactose Standard, 5.00 g/L
L-Lactate Membranes (4 each)
L-Lactate Standard, 15 mmol/L (125 mL)
L-Lactate Standard, 30 mmol/L (125 ML)
L-Lactate Standard, 5 mmol/L (125 mL)
Low Conc Ethanol Standard Kit
Magnetic Stir Bar
Main Board, 7100
Maintenance Kit (includes 7188-A + additional maintenance items)
Methanol Buffer
Methanol Membranes (4 each)
Methanol Standa*** Kit
Motor Assembly, Peristaltic - 1500/2300/2700
Motor Assembly, Stir
N*** Solution (30 mL)
Needle Drive Motor Assembly - 2300/2700
O-Ring - 2300/2700/7100
Plunger - 2300/2700/7100
PM2950 - Preventative Maintenance Charge - YSI 2950
Potassium Calibrator Standard, 1000 mg/L (250 mL)
Potassium Electrode (1 ea)
Potassium Electrode (1 each)
Potassium Ferrocyanide (125 mL)
Potassium Standard, 1000 mg/L (150 mL)
Preventative Maintenance Charge for YSI 2300
Preventative Maintenance Charge for YSI 2700
Preventative Maintenance Charge for YSI 7100
Preventative Maintenance Kit
Preventative Maintenance Kit for 2950
Printer Assembly - 2300/2700
Printer Paper (5 rolls)
Probe Assembly - 7100
Probe Assembly, Enzyme - 2300/2700
Pump Assembly, Sipper
Pump Head, Peristaltic
RP Switch, Optical - 7100
RP Waste Assembly for 7100
RP, Solenoid Pinch Valve - 7100
Single "AA" NI-CAD Battery
Single-Channel Biochemistry Analyzer - 115v
Sipper Cable
Sipper Drive Motor - 2300/2700
Sipper Needle Assembly
Sipper Needle Assembly - 7100
Sodium Chloride Check Solution, 10 g/L (125 mL)
Spacer - 2300/2700/7100
Starter kit for Glucose/L-lactate/Glutamine/Glutamate
Starter kitGlucose/L-lactate/Glutamine/Glutamate
Starter kitGlucose/L-lactate/Glutamine/Glutamate/Ammonium
Sucrose Membranes (4 each)
Sucrose Standard
Sucrose Standard, 5.00 g/L
Tear Bars, Printer
Temperature Probe Assembly
This item replaces 062503
This item will be shipped to your place of business.
TT100 - Tr***el Per Hour (Portal to Portal)
Tubing Kit
Waste Chamber Assembly - 2300/2700
Xylose Calibrator Solution, 20 g/L
Xylose Linearity Solution, 30 g/L
Xylose Software Kit W/Cabl
Tel:021-37773473 57643390 67737874 57880714
18917092618 18017917942 18964914695
买芬兰BioHit百得移液器 赠试用吸头
常规耗材试用 ***取 吸头 离心管 冻存管 PCR板 PCR管 塑料试管 试管架 培养皿
mPEG-NH2 PEG-氨基 ***促销
mPEG-COOH PEG-羧基 ***
PEG修饰剂 活化聚乙二醇 改性聚乙二醇 库存***
Waters 沃特世|Agilent 安捷伦|Varian 瓦里安 色谱柱 色谱耗材
Beckman Coulter Ultrasphere
英国NIBSC 英国***生物标准与检定所 标准品
WHO 世界卫生*** 标准品 对照品
***anti 公司 磷脂类 甾体类中间体***anti.htm
美国药典 USP34-NF29 完整***
欧洲药典 EP7.0 完整***
Agilent SampliQ 固相萃取产品
百得 Biohit 资料汇总***
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