For employers, letting employees dress down at least some of the time has become an increasingly standard benefit. In a January survey of 3,490 human resources professionals by the Society for Human Resource Management, 59 percent said their companies allowed casual dress at least once a week, up from 55 percent in 2012. Forty percent of the companies allowed casual dress every day, up from 36 in 2012.
对雇主来说,让职工***少能偶尔穿得随兴点,已逐步变成标准福利了。人力资源办理协会(Society for Human Resource Management)在本年1月对3490名人力资源办理从业者进行调查,受访者中有59%表明,他们的公司每周***少会让职工穿一天便服,这个比例在2012年只需55%。40%的公司答应职工天天穿便服上班,而在2012年只需36%的公司这么做。
Textile manufacturers can coat already-made fabric with the liquid. The coated fabric then has a self-repair ability automatically built into it, said Demirel, who led the research.
In recruiting, companies may h***e to dress down to keep up, especially for a company like Starucks that often hires younger employees.
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