汕头花岗石数控磨边机免费咨询 佛山中升机械
作者:中升机械2020/5/25 8:03:31



JGZYMO8S Stone machinery mitting machine control system uses a set of artificial intelligenca operati***. all machines movementsare controlled by the computer pregram, through the human-machine interface to communicate with the operator set,and provides,automatic deetection system signals, the machine were set 2 programs targeted for inpiementation Granite, marble,respectively the program at work as long as the switch progcam to can be achieved whtn there is a stone pllishing system works automaticaliy, not automatically when the stone stops working Six wheels for polishing automatic compensation can be different according to the degree of abrasive wear effectively guarantee the effective continuous and c***istent ***oid the compiexity of artificial compensation workload whtil the operating system is polished wheeis will remind ceplaced wheels replacedd by a key function for drop replacement,human capabilitles and skills of operation of this device isthe most characteristic.

大批量生产轴承钢球时,常采用滚筒抛光的方法。 粗抛时将大量钢球、石灰和磨料放在倾斜的罐状滚筒中,滚筒转动时,使钢球与磨料等在筒内随机地滚动碰撞以达到去除表面凸锋而减小表面粗糙度的目的,可去除0.01毫米左右的余量。

精抛时在木桶中装入钢球和毛皮碎块,连续转动数小时可得到耀眼光亮的表面。精密线纹尺的抛光是将加工表面浸在抛光液中进行的,抛光液由粒度为W5~W0.5的氧化铬微粉和乳化液混合而成。 抛光轮采用材质匀细经脱脂处理的木材或特别的细毛毡制成,其运动轨迹为均匀稠密的网状,抛光后的表面粗糙度不大于Ra0.01微米,在放大40倍的显微镜下观察不到任何表面缺陷。此外还有电解抛光等方法。



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