1. 密炼机采用特殊全合金材料(无需喷涂、无需电镀),适用于高粘度、高硬度的不锈钢粉末,陶瓷粉末,钛/铝合金粉末等物料配方的密炼。The mixer uses special all-alloy materials (no spraying,陶瓷金属***成型密炼机, no electroplating), suitable for the densification of high viscosity, high hardness stainless steel powder, ceramic powder, titanium/aluminium alloy powder and other material formulati.
2.密炼机混炼室采用液压系统自动推开,转子方便拆卸。打破传统混炼机清理难、换色难、维修难的缺陷。密炼室所有物料混炼接触面 进行镜面抛光处理,高光镜面使物料不粘壁易清理,有效控制了机器污染物料这一难题。The mixing chamber of internal mixer is pushed automatically by hydraulic system, and the rotor is easy to disassemble. Break the traditional mixer cleaning difficult, color change difficult, maintenance difficult defects. Mirror polishing of the mixing contact surface of all materials in the mixing room makes the material not stick to the wall and easy to clean,MIM金属***成型密炼机, which effectively controls the problem of machine contaminants.
小型密炼机,实验室专用密炼机,1L密炼机,2L密炼机产品详细介绍st-3220试验型1l/3l/5l密炼机特点及用途:(实验室专用) 可自动控制温度和时间系统,操作简便,混炼可达到分散及均匀度;
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