作者:金王2020/4/26 16:02:57



配备高精度合金锯片、切割效果令人极为满意。本机结构轻巧,功能齐备,质量可靠 ,作用可相当于一台大型切割机。本产品必将广泛地成为铝塑加工行业高中低不同层次的用户 , 满足不同场合使用需要的理想工具。

J300 Electrically Operated Precise Turntable Cutting Machine

1.Product introduction: This machine was popular product which developed in view of the pint-size customers and the flowing workers by our company in recent years. It has become one of our company best-selling products for its reasonable structure, fine materials and satisfying effect.

2.Product characteristic:

1. Ball bearing precision turntable structure makes angle swinging flexible and accurate.

2.Work table and the back’s slit is narrow, it is better for the chipping removing.

3. Swinging nose connection with the precision bearing branch structure makes the effect of cutting to be satisfying.

4. It is useful for flowing workers for its assembling and di***antling type and the leftable work table.

金王机械***生产各种档次的铝型材切割机器,有基本配置型,比如数显双头锯、端面铣、仿形铣 这三件组成的断桥铝基本配置方案,可以满足很多小规模的生产需求,因为这个方案没配置其他的设备,所以需要一定量的手动加工工具的配合(如切角码),例如我们畅销***的金王之星。主机外形尺寸:650×560×680mmJ350金王新星参数1。



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