单头切割机生产来电咨询 金王诚信经营
作者:金王2020/4/17 8:26:31

配备装拆式脚架,可升高和降低, 实现台式使用和落地式使用的目的 , 既适宜固定工场生产, 又适宜移动使用。本机与非转盘的台式切割机相比,无论功能与效果方面又或操作与便利都优于后者,从本机的畅销可反应出这一点。

夹料装置设计精巧,方便实用 , 操作时可快速装夹材料 , 且手感舒适。


J300 Electrically Operated Precise Turntable Cutting Machine

1.Product introduction: This machine was popular product which developed in view of the pint-size customers and the flowing workers by our company in recent years. It has become one of our company best-selling products for its reasonable structure, fine materials and satisfying effect.

2.Product characteristic:

1. Ball bearing precision turntable structure makes angle swinging flexible and accurate.

2.Work table and the back’s slit is narrow, it is better for the chipping removing.

3. Swinging nose connection with the precision bearing branch structure makes the effect of cutting to be satisfying.

4. It is useful for flowing workers for its assembling and di***antling type and the leftable work table.


新中式风格总体造型设计以简约线框为主旋律,既合乎当代家装风格时代气息又含有浓厚的 中国。新中式风格全是有生命的,他们就好像一个经过时光沉定,却释放着美丽动人风采的优雅女人,必须花時间来细细品味。反映的不仅是古雅清静,大量的是典雅和烂漫悠闲。窗门的颜色能够挑选金丝楠木、樱桃木纹等颜色。然而,当时仍未有***实用的加工机具设备,这些小作坊只能使用简易的电动工具制作门窗,工程的质量和效率都得不到保证,业内迫切需要专用***的机具设备。新中式风格在颜色的应用上不容易选用过度轻快的颜色,主颜色以深色稳重主导。


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