作者:全芯电子2013/10/25 11:40:46


  1. 将电缆线依次穿过护套①、尾部螺帽②、电缆夹③、v形垫④、电缆密封圈⑤、屏蔽线压环⑥,依照次序焊接到绝缘体组件⑦的对应插针上

  2. 将绝缘体卡环⑦装到绝缘体组件⑧上,注意绝缘体卡环⑦的突起和绝缘体组件⑧的缺口对应,依次把屏蔽线压环⑥、电缆密封圈⑤、v形垫④、电缆夹③推到合适的位置,保证电缆线的完整外皮插入到屏蔽线压环⑥中。

  3. 将装好的绝缘体组件⑧装入到插头组件⑨中,注意绝缘体卡环⑦上的缺口与插头组件⑨中的突起对应。

  4. 把尾部螺帽②拧紧到插头组件⑨上。

  5. 把护套①装到尾部螺帽②上。此lemo连接器K系列FGG插头便安装成功了。

  • Get the cable through sleeve① collet nut② collet③ fexible gasket④and earthing cone⑤ in order, then solder it to the corresponding contacts of insulator subassy⑦ orderly.

  • Put the split insert carrier⑥ onto the insulator subassy⑦, make sure the he***e of split insert carrier⑥ mate with the slot of insulator subassy⑦, then push the earthing cone⑤fexible gasket④collet③ to the right position, assure the full sheath of cable insert the earthing cone⑤.

  • Slide the assembled insulator subassy⑦ into the outer shell⑧, make sure the slot of split insert carrier⑥ mate with the he***e of outer shell⑧.

  • Screw the collet nut② to the outer shell⑧ tightly.

  • Put the sleeve① to the collet nut②.


曾红梅 (经理)



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