欧洲议会(European Parliament) 2009年4月22日有修订地通过了该条例草案,其主要修订包括:
Prohibition: the Parliament proposes an explicit statement of the requirement that operators make ***ailable on the market only legally harvested timber/timber products. Operators who place timber/timber products on the market shall use a due diligence system.
Obligati*** of operators: operators who make timber and timber products ***ailable on the market shall, throughout the supply chain, be able to: (i) identify the operator who has supplied the timber and timber products, and the operator to whom the timber and timber products h***e been supplied; (ii) provide upon request information on the name of the species, the country/countries of harvest and where feasible the concession of origin; (iii) check, where necessary, that the operator who has placed the timber and timber products on the market has fulfilled his obligati*** under this Regulation.
Labelling: Member States shall ensure that by two years of the entry into force of this Regulation all timber and timber products placed and made ***ailable on the market are labelled, as appropriate, with the aforementioned information.
Due diligence system: Member States approve the due diligence system provided for in the proposal. This should ensure that only legally harvested timber and timber products are placed on the market, employing a traceability system and third party verification by the monitoring organisation. The system should comprise measures to ascertain, inter alia: country of origin, forest of origin; name of the species; value; name and address of the operator who has supplied the timber and timber products. MEPs also specify what the risk management procedure should comprise.
These measures shall be supported by appropriate documentation maintained in a database by the operator or by the monitoring organisation.
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