依据标准:QB/T 2777-2015记号笔、 QB/T 2776-2006圆珠笔和笔芯
According to the standard :QB/T 2777-2015 Marker pen
HM-7012 画圆书写机可用于检测圆珠笔、中性笔笔芯、能检测笔芯初写性能,出墨量,划线长度,笔头磨耗性等书写性能指标,也可检测墨水的书写质量,是笔厂,笔芯厂,墨水厂不可缺少的检测设备.
HM-7012 Drawing circular writing machine can be used to detect ballpoint pens, Neutral pen refill, can detect the pen core write performance,ink volume, dash length, written wear and other writing performance indicators,can also detect ink writing quality, pen factory, Pen core factory, Ink factory ndispensable testing
主要参数 Main Parameters:
1.测试笔数Numberof test pens:10支
2.测试直径Test diameter:≦10mm
Pen Core rotation peed:0-3 rpm ,Set the speed to zero to turn off the rotation function
5.书写速度:1-12m/min (数字输入设定,可至0.1m)Writing speed:1-12m/min(Digital input Settings, Up to 0.1m)
6.走纸速度:0-1000mm/min(数字输入设定)Paper speed:0-1000mm/min(Digital input Settings)
Writing angle:60-90 °is adjustable Manual adjustment is required in standby mode。
8.书写长度Writing length:0-2000m
9.书写间距:1-4mm可调Writing spacing: 1-4 mm is adjustable
Remind function:The instrument automatically when the test is finished (the pen holder automatically lifts)
11.收纸功能:仪器自带收纸 Paper receiver function:The instrument comes with the receiving paper
12.控制系统:PLC触摸屏 伺服马达控制
13.电压Voltage:220V 50HZ
14.打包木箱尺寸Packing wooden case size:111*91*61cm
15.重量:约100Kg(以实际为准) Weight:About 100Kg(Subject to actual)
1. 仪器中文操作说明书一份 One copy of the instrument Chinese Operation manual
2. 仪器保修卡一份 Instrument Warranty Card One copy
3. 专用书写纸2卷(380*110mm) Dedicated Writing paper 2 rolls
4. 坠纸棒一根 A piece of falling paper stick
5. 卷纸芯一个 Roll Paper Core One
中国制笔之乡-杭州·桐庐,目前有制笔及配套企业1000余家,制笔总产量约76亿支,总值72亿元。 温州弘铭仪器参加由杭州市制笔行业协会***的“中国(分水)制笔零配件展会”,会上展示了我司7012系列连续划圆书写机为主的***笔类检测仪器,展会头一天就现场订售HM-7012A连续划圆书写仪两台,还与10多个厂家达成合作协议,起到了很好的推广作用。
划圆书写机生产厂家-划圆书写机-弘铭仪器厂家***由温州弘铭仪器有限公司提供。温州弘铭仪器有限公司(www.hongming17.com)为客户提供“全自动交叉划线仪、画8字书写机、电脑式拉力机”等业务,公司拥有“弘铭”等品牌。专注于环保监测设备等行业,在浙江 温州 有较高知名度。欢迎来电垂询,联系人:鄂生。版权所有©2024 产品网