作者:金石泵业2020/10/14 17:32:27






III. Starting


1.Close the oulet

sluice valve.

2. Inject

water into pump to remove the air in water-in pipe and pump which can realized

by injecting clear water from the water diversion cup of the pump body end or

by vacuum pump(start the vacuum pump, remove the air from pump and pipes, start

the water pump when the pump is full of water, open the sluice valve, stop the

vacuum pump).

3. Start the

motor(pay more attention on the rotation direction of pump)

4. When the motor runs normally, turn up the

sluice valve gradually, adjust the tightness of padding when gettng to the

required working condition.If the pump runs well, the temperature of bearing is

normal, and it can run sequentially.



Pay more

attention to the cooling condition of padding.The padding can not be too tight,

it is ok that the fluid can leak in drops.The temperature will be high if the

padding is too tight which cumes power.If the padding is too loose, the

fluid leaks too much, the efficiency will be lower.


II. Pump cover is

the part connected with water inlet pipe.There is an stated axial end face gap

between its end

face and

impeller(Keep the stated axail gap after removing the bearing axial movable

gap).Friction will be

produced if

the gap is too ***all, contrary, if the gap is too large, the pressure water in

pump will reflux which

makes the

feeiciency reduced.Adjust the paper washer and make the gap be stated one.

雨水混流泵维修-雨水混流泵-金石泵业由泰安金石泵业有限公司提供。泰安金石泵业有限公司有实力,信誉好,在山东 泰安 的污水泵、杂质泵等行业积累了大批忠诚的客户。公司精益求精的工作态度和不断的完善创新理念将促进金石泵业和您携手步入辉煌,共创美好未来!


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