用户选择水泵时,*** 是到农机部门认可的销售点,一定要认清生产厂家。建议优先考虑购买充水式潜水电泵,雨水混流泵安装,并且看清牌号和产品质量合格证。千万不能购买“三无”(即无生产厂家、无生产日期、无生产许可证)产品,否则出现了问题,用户将束手无策。
作为用户,由于受到***知识的局限,很难定夺,*** 靠而又比较成熟的产品,不失为一种明智的选择。同时,应根据当地的电源情况来决定用单相泵或三相泵。
Pay more
attention to the cooling condition of padding.The padding can not be too tight,
it is ok that the fluid can leak in drops.The temperature will be high if the
padding is too tight which c***umes power.If the padding is too loose, the
fluid leaks too much, the efficiency will be lower.
IV. Drive Mode of Pump
Our HW
seriel mixed-flow pump can be driven by diesel engine and motor.The drive mode
can be chosen according to the local motive power situation. When placing an
order for the pump, we should decide the drive mode of the pump according to
the prime motor type(power, rotate speed) in order to confirm the size of
pulley or coupling.
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