安全先生Mr.safe M2经典N95防护口罩
作者:2015/9/25 5:43:19

各种粉尘以及包括禽***、SARS病毒在内的极细颗粒物吸入***后,都有可能造成我们的呼吸系统受损甚至丧失生命,正确佩戴Mr. Safe口罩可以有效避免伤害的发生。

Various kinds of dust, including ***ian influenza & SARS virus, extremely fine particles inhaled, are likely to cause damage to our respiratory or even loss of life, the right to wear the Mr. Safe mask can effectively ***oid the occurrence of injury.







*Hi-quality material,classic style.

*Good efficiency,low pressure,more comfortable

*Extra nasal shape design,adjustable nasal splint

  allows perfect sealing with face.

*Against dust.***ian influenza.SARS.ect.

*CE EN149 -FFP2 & NIOSH N95


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