作者:宁仁家居2020/10/7 3:23:37




Good airtight performance, 3-5 times stronger than that of common sliding door and window


Lower track design, to void sand, dust, garbage and rainwater from intuding Into the room


***all area. high strength. good sound insulation effecl, wear resistant and durable.

no color fading and deformation after used for a long time


Imported modified is used. and the ultr***iolet-proof absorbent is added in the raw material

so that the door and window can resist the bumming sun rainstorm, dryness and humidity.

nd will not h***e color change. embrittlement or aging phenomenon under the temperarure of-30c-70c


Aluminum Compoite Wood Door and Window, uses wood and alumnum as the frame matena

outside and broken bride thermal insulation structure inside. The glass used mostly uses hollow

tampered glass. The aluminum material can not only be water-proof and moisture-proof, but als

will not deform easily with its metallicity. which is sutable for water accumulation enviromment

such as the balcony. kitchen and bathroom


Aluminum Compoite wood Door and Window has another importance feature. Broken Bnd

Hollow structure fully reflects the energy-s***ing environmentally friendly properties of the

door and window. Such a structure enhances the sound insuation and airt

function of thermal preservation and thermal insulation, greatly reducing the

from heating and cooling


70铝合金推拉窗-宿州推拉窗-江苏宁仁家居科技公司由江苏宁仁家居科技有限公司提供。江苏宁仁家居科技有限公司有实力,信誉好,在江苏 南京 的金属窗等行业积累了大批忠诚的客户。公司精益求精的工作态度和不断的完善创新理念将促进宁仁家居和您携手步入辉煌,共创美好未来!


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