作者:宁仁家居2020/9/30 21:01:16

Inward opening and inward hanging for air ventilation and exchange.

s***ing interior space, innovative and reliable


The paint will not fall off after expoure to the wind or sun fora long time.

shear force of the material is 1200(200 in China) and the materal will not deform

w hich is an advantage over other malerials


Doors and windows can be made into wood grain colors and various other colors

so customers will h***e greater opti. Doors and windows are manufactured using

high technology which can mee , difterent demands


Aluminum Compoite Wood Door and Window, uses wood and alumnum as the frame matena

outside and broken bride thermal insulation structure inside. The glass used mostly uses hollow

tampered glass. The aluminum material can not only be water-proof and moisture-proof, but als

will not deform easily with its metallicity. which is sutable for water accumulation enviromment

such as the balcony. kitchen and bathroom


Aluminum Compoite wood Door and Window has another importance feature. Broken Bnd

Hollow structure fully reflects the energy-s***ing environmentally friendly properties of the

door and window. Such a structure enhances the sound insuation and airt

function of thermal preservation and thermal insulation, greatly reducing the

from heating and cooling


巴特孚断桥铝门窗从型材,配件,密封条都无不体现产品的精益求精。巴特孚断桥铝隔音窗,推拉窗,是目前市场上客户选购多的一种品牌。原因是巴特孚品牌的门窗不但结实耐用,而且所要款式多种多样。除了以上特点还有保温隔热 好,防水,防噪音,高强度不变形,绿色环保。如,整个空间的格调,是古典还是现代,是中式还是欧式或者韩式,每一点都很讲究。对于巴特孚的客户,我们给予场地测量,技术支持.巴特孚断桥铝门窗产品的款式多种多样,可以随心所欲的选购产品的款型,色调,让客户满意为止。


巴特孚客厅推拉窗给人感觉,唯美新颖而不单调,简洁而不庸俗,使用起来方便而不繁琐。它的每一个部件都是德国旭维企业精心而设计,它不但安装方便,而且结实耐用,保温防水抗噪。无论你是平地而起的高楼大厦,还是宽敞明亮的私人别墅,还是的办公大楼,如果用到我们的门窗,会给你带来焕然一新的感觉。高质量的门窗=高质量的型材 玻璃 配件胶条 加工工艺 安装工艺 …高性能的门窗=高性能的型材×玻璃×配件胶条×加工工艺×安装工艺×…所以:高质量的门窗≠高性能的门窗。



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