Broken bdgealumunum materal, 50mm-105mm,50系列平开窗, compoed of sealing strip, thermal
insulation strip and multiple thermal Insulation chambers. with very good thermal insulation
Very suitable for users living in a cold place or near the sea. No water drops will appear
nd in rainy and snowy days. the water will fow away alone the drainage hole
nd the products will not be soaked by rainwater
European standard notch design
more in line with national building energy-s***ing requirements
真正的系统门窗,是一个性能系统的有机组合,需要考虑水密性、气密性、抗风压、机械力学强度、隔热、隔音、防盗、遮阳、耐候性、操作手感等一系列重要的功能,还要考虑设备、型材、配件、玻璃、粘胶、密 封件各环节性能的综合结果,缺一不可,终形成的系统门窗。
Aluminum Compoite Wood Door and Window,60平开窗, uses wood and alumnum as the frame matena
outside and broken bride thermal insulation structure inside. The glass used mostly uses hollow
tampered glass. The aluminum material can not only be water-proof and moisture-proof, but als
will not deform easily with its metallicity. which is sutable for water accumulation enviromment
such as the balcony. kitchen and bathroom
Aluminum Compoite wood Door and Window has another importance feature. Broken Bnd
Hollow structure fully reflects the energy-s***ing environmentally friendly properties of the
door and window. Such a structure enhances the sound insuation and airt
function of thermal preservation and thermal insulation, greatly reducing the
from heating and cooling
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