作者:宁仁家居2020/2/6 21:36:58


Efective insulation of exterior nose disturbance and creation of interior quei environmenl


Unique airtight structure to provide heating effect in the room equipped with heating and cooling equipmen


The door and window are designed with water-proof board and drainage slot.

to fully insulate the rainwater outsid


Imported modified is used. and the ultr***iolet-proof absorbent is added in the ra matenal.

so that the door and window can resist the bumming sun rainstorm. dryness and humidity.

and will not h***e color change, embrittlement oraging phenomenon under the temperature of-30c-70c


木包铝复合窗是***范围强势推出的木铝复合窗的第四代,旭维木包铝复合窗它严格斟选的名贵橡林和具有金属质感的铝质金属隔热型材,80系列塑钢推拉窗,配合苛刻的工艺技术,推拉窗,将产品的功能性和装饰性***统一,增加了林窗的刚性,耐侯性,风压性等特质。木铝复合窗的设计比较我严谨,结构稳定,用料厚实,外观质朴端庄,平易不 失***,简***乏庄重,带给人淳朴温暖圆润柔美的质感。


Aluminum Compoite Wood Door and Window eas the stle of sold wood attached with thcrmal isulan bro en brid re al

The alumnum allo afer the fluorocarbon or electrostatic spran reatment s of mch colors and has excellent pascal perfo

energy-s***ing effects and extremely strong weather resistance The scientific desigm improves the overall peron

Aluminum Compoite Wood Door and window has outstanding thermal preseration and agat performance and excellent fireproof


The most mportant features of lmmum Compote wood Door and w ndow are thermal preseason ee s*** a soun

insolation. thermal sulation. wund and sanasauce, and also water-preofmng


推拉窗-宁仁家居-推拉窗厂家由江苏宁仁家居科技有限公司提供。江苏宁仁家居科技有限公司(www.nrbtf.com)是江苏 南京 ,金属窗的翘楚,多年来,公司贯彻执行科学管理、创新发展、诚实守信的方针,满足客户需求。在宁仁家居***携全体员工热情欢迎各界人士垂询洽谈,共创宁仁家居更加美好的未来。


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