巴特孚断桥门窗所选用的木材是生长在靠近北极地区的北欧红松与东北亚原始森林的落叶松,再经过严格筛选,以及防腐、脱脂、阻 燃等处理,并采用德国高强度的黏合胶水,使木材的强度、耐腐蚀性、耐候性等方面都得到了保障,可以经久耐用。铝包木窗都采用了双层密封结构,把***的汽车 密封胶条用在门窗上,60系列推拉窗,所以隔热、保温的效果格外突出。对于寒冷的冬季或者烈日炎炎的夏季,你拥有巴特孚门窗,从此之后你没有忧虑感。
Inward opening and inward hanging for air ventilation and exchange.
s***ing interior space, innovative and reliable
The paint will not fall off after expoure to the wind or sun fora long time.
shear force of the material is 1200(200 in China) and the materal will not deform
w hich is an advantage over other malerials
Doors and windows can be made into wood grain colors and various other colors
so customers will h***e greater opti***. Doors and windows are manufactured using
high technology which can mee , difterent demands
Efective insulation of exterior nose disturbance and creation of interior quei environmenl
Unique airtight structure to provide heating effect in the room equipped with heating and cooling equipmen
The door and window are designed with water-proof board and drainage slot.
to fully insulate the rainwater outsid
Imported modified is used. and the ultr***iolet-proof absorbent is added in the ra matenal.
so that the door and window can resist the bumming sun rainstorm. dryness and humidity.
and will not h***e color change, embrittlement oraging phenomenon under the temperature of-30c-70c
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