作者:2012/6/29 8:45:31

防静电铝箔袋又称防静电袋、银***袋:它是由CPP底料+电子镀铝+PET面料复合而成,屏蔽袋性能:电性能及物理性能达到ASTTMD257、***541、MIL-B-81705等国际标准。常规厚度:75μm,表面电阻:108-10Ω。性能:它起到保护静电敏感元件免受潜在静电的危害.可做成:平口袋、信封袋、风琴袋、中封袋、自封袋等。生产周期一般为3-5天左右。应用范围:广泛用于各类PC板、电脑主机板、声卡、显卡、网卡及对静电敏感高科技电子产品的包装。铝箔袋具备防潮、防静电、防电磁干扰三大功能; 平口袋式,袋身无印刷;不透明,内置物不可见; 可做三层或四层结构,各层材料之间复合牢固,具有良好的防水,阻氧,避光的功能; 适用于有防潮要求的电子产品包装:各类PC板、IC集成电路、光驱、硬盘、电子元器件等; 表面电阻值:108—1011Ω。
Protect your expensive electronics from moisture and static damage ;
In flat open top style , plain without printing ;
Being opaque and light tight, it ensures the inside item can not been seen from outside ;
***ailable in three –layer or four-layer structure;
Firm lamination and hot sealing offers superior resistance of vapor and oxygen ;
Surface e resistance of108—1011Ω;
Applicable to pack electronic products which are sensitive to moisture and static, such as PC board, IC integrated circuit , CD driver , HD etc.


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