研工具扎实:包括室内野外(如果需要)实验技能、写文章过程中需要的主要软件工具。关于实验方面的,不同***要求不一样。在这儿我想说的是,从原始数据到文章成稿的过程中,你可能用到的软件工具:文字的(e.g. Word )、图形的(e.g. Origin, sigmaPlot…)、数据分析统计的(e.g. Excel, SPSS or SAS…)、数据模拟 的(e.g. MathCad,计算机sci包发, Matlab…)、文献管理的(e.g. Endnote…)及其***软件。
你如果熟练掌握以上软件,不但写文章的效率快,而且文章具有一定的深度。我一般拿到一批实验数据,先在Excel分析作简单的图表,得出大概的构思和一些想法,然后用上面所说的软件进一步分析,统计,或者模拟。我经常发现中国人写的文章,苏州计算机sci包发,图表作得很粗糙。我估计是用excel作的。Excel作的图一般线条粗,不好看。好文章,应该要配上漂亮的图表。建议大家用上面的软件(我用的是Origin, 对SigmaPlot不熟悉)绘制,一定会给你的文章增色不少!我***的文章,表一般是三线的。我喜欢在Excel作好后,copy到文档中。个人认为,掌握好科研工具是这三招中***容易的,相信大家有这个信心。
大家把上面三招练好了,写英文文章就容易多了。我***的文章一般包括以下部分:1) Title, running title, 2) Authors
affiliation, 3) Abstract, 4) Keywo, 5) abbreviati***, 6) Ioduction, 7)
Materials and methods, 8) Results (or Results and discussion), 9) Discussion,
10) Conclusi***, 11) Acknowledgments, 12) References
13) Tables, 14) Figure capti***, and 15)
例1:Standard heparin was administrated daily
by continuous i1***enous infusion to maintain a stable clotting time.
正确写法:Standard heparin was administered daily by
continuous i1***enous infusion to maintain a stable clotting time.
例2:This drug is administratedi1***enously at
adosage of 5 mg/day for 4-5 c***ecutive days.
正确写法:This drug is administeredi1***enously at a
dosage of 5 mg/day for 4-5 c***ecutive days.
例1:24 patients were assigned to receive
radiotherapy and 30 to receive a combination of radio- and chemotherapy.
正确写法:Twenty-fourpatients were assigned to
receive radiotherapy and 30 to receive a combination of radio- and
chemotherapy.或者 A total of 24 and 30 patients were assigned to receive
radiotherapy and a combination of radio- and chemotherapy, respectively.
例2:60%of the enrolled subjects continued
their participation until the end of the study.
正确写法:Sixty percentof the enrolled subjects
continued their participation until the end of the study.
错误解析:当缩写词的首字母的发音为五个元音字母“a, e, i ,o ,u”当中的任何一个时,应该插入不定冠词“an”。
例1:Direct measurements of each tissue were
obtained usinga MRI image.
正确写法:Direct measurements of each tissue were
obtained usingan MRIimage.
例2:Should we use gloves while examining a
正确写法:Should we use gloves while examiningan HIV
例1:The region of interest was set such that
it included aorta.
正确写法:The region of interest was set such that
it included the aorta.
例2:In this study, we performed MRIs for
investigating the congenital deformities of uterus.
正确写法:In this study, we performed MRIs for
investigating the congenital deformities of the uterus.
需要注意的是,如果句子中连续有多个描述人身体部位和结构的名词,那么只需要在1个名词前加the即可。如:We performed MRIs for investigating the
congenital deformities of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
错误解析:在包含字母的名词“drug A”以及包含数字的名词“Group I”和“Group II”前不能加定冠词“the”。同时,在包含数字的名词“day 3”前也不能加定冠词“the”
例1:Left ve1icular function after receivingthe
drug Awas significantly greater in the Group I than in the Group II.
正确写法:Left ve1icular function after
receivingdrug Awas significantly greater in Group Ithan in Group II.
例2:Liquid diet was started from the day
3after surgery.
正确写法:Liquid diet was started fromday 3 after
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